generating a maths worksheet
When you get a maths worksheet, it usually comes with the answers to the problems from each section, so you can check your work - pretty nifty. However, it turns out that’s not the way they do it at my university. Passing semester, I had to trudge through a ton of answerless worksheets, which made studying much more time-consuming, since I had to spend extra minute or two per example inputting the equation into Symbolab, or googling for the solution. Let for minor annoyances, when I couldn’t input some problem into Symbolab or when it spouted out gibberish, I finished the semester less than unharmed - I got inspired. Leaving the question of whether not handing out answer-sheets was just a big psyop by my instructors to to force students into creating study groups for another time, I decided I would generate my own worksheets (without blackjack and hookers... sadly).
Wolfram’s Problem Generator claims to be using AI to generate the problem sheets, mathsbot probably uses some database of predefined questions. Shouldn’t writing a maths worksheet generator be complicated? or at least time consuming? Also, don’t you need someone to handout answers? With the right software and mindset - no, no and no. If we think about it, maths worksheets are just permutations of different symbols. We can generate these just fine, for example with python’s itertools or random module. Now, since a worksheet usually comes with an answers section, we will also be needing a way of evaluating the generated expressions, luckily there’s a whole bunch of software that dose this, for example, sympy. To present the worksheets we can generate a LaTeX document via jinja and then compile it with, for example, pdflatex.
For simplicity, we’ll write a quadratics worksheet generator. First, we’ll need a function that spouts out quadratics, we would like the generator to:
- differentiate quadratics on basis of the number of solutions, because a worksheet with, for example, only two solutions quadratics would be boring/incomprehensive,
- ensure that the quadratic’s coefficients are not to crazy - in the end it’s humans that will be solving the equations.
To achieve the first goal, we’ll split the function into three. Second one will require making some simple observations:
- it’s more difficult to randomize fraction coefficents, so random coefficients will only be integers,
- coefficients should be bounded,
- it’s easier to generate positive integers and then to pick a sign
- we know that a quadratic has two solutions, if and only if its discriminant is positive, so given a quadratic of the form: ax2 + bx + c ∧ a ≠ 0, with two different solutions, we can write: b2⁄4a > c. Since we are looking for an integer upper-bound for a and c, lets set c > 2, therefore b2⁄8 > a,
- for a quadratic to have one solution, it’s discriminant must equal zero, so if we pick a and c, b = √4ac, since this could produe complicated coefficients, let’s require a and c to be perfect squares.
Figuring out bounds for no-solutions quadratics is left as an exercise for the reader. Translating the observations into python code:
import math
import sympy
import random
= [-1, 1]
def generate_quadratic_two_solutions(max_coefficient=20):
= random.randint(3, max_coefficient)
b = random.randint(1, (b**2)//8)
a = random.randint(1, (b**2)//(4*a))
c return sympy.sympify(f'{a}*x**2 + {b}*x + {c}')
def generate_quadratic_one_solution(max_coefficient=20):
= random.choice(SIGN)
sign = sign * random.randint(1, max_coefficient)**2, sign * random.randint(1, max_coefficient)**2
a, c = int(math.sqrt(4*a*c))
b return sympy.sympify(f'{a}*x**2 + {b}*x + {c}')
def generate_quadratic_zero_solutions(max_coefficient=20):
= random.choice(SIGN)
sign = sign * random.randint(1, max_coefficient), sign * random.randint(1, max_coefficient)
a, c = math.sqrt(random.randint(1, math.floor(math.sqrt(4*a*c))))
b = sympy.Rational(str(math.trunc(b * 10)/10))
b return sympy.sympify(f'{a}*x**2 + {b}*x + {c}')
Wait a minute, problems in a worksheet are usually ordered by difficulty - the further the problem, the more difficult it is. I couldn’t come up with any solid way of evaluating a quadratic’s difficulty, based on it’s coefficients, so I went with:
def quadratic_difficulty_comperator(x):
return sum(x.as_coefficients_dict().values())
Now onto generating a LaTeX document. Luckily, sympy has a built-in LaTeX converter, so we’ll only need to instiate jinja and put toghether a template:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import math
import random
import collections
import sympy
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
#...quadratic generating code ommited for breviety...#
= collections.namedtuple('Task', ['instruction', 'problems', 'awnsers'])
= Environment(
ENV =FileSystemLoader('.'),
def main():
# generate diffrent kinds of quadratic equations
= [quadratics.generate_quadratic_zero_solutions() for _ in range(10)]
zero_solutions_quadratics = [quadratics.generate_quadratic_one_solution() for _ in range(10)]
one_solution_quadratics = [quadratics.generate_quadratic_two_solutions() for _ in range(6)]
two_solutions_quadratics # sort them according to 'difficulty' - the greater the sum of quadratic's coefficients, the more difficult it is
# arrange the problems in random order, but try to keep the problems' difficulty incremental
= [zero_solutions_quadratics, one_solution_quadratics, two_solutions_quadratics]
problem_lists = []
problems for _ in range(len(zero_solutions_quadratics) + len(one_solution_quadratics) + len(two_solutions_quadratics)):
= random.choice(problem_lists)
problems.append(choice.pop())if not choice:
# generate the awnsers with sympy
= (sympy.printing.latex((sympy.solvers.solveset(quadratic, domain=sympy.S.Reals))) for quadratic in problems)
awnsers # convert into LaTeX
= map(sympy.printing.latex, problems)
#output latex code
= ENV.get_template('problem_sheet.jinja.tex').render(tasks=[Task('Find the roots of function $f$, given by expression:', problems, awnsers)])
latex print(latex)
if __name__ == '__main__':
To compile and view the document, we can use:
./ | pdflatex --jobname worksheet --output-directory /tmp && zathura /tmp/worksheet.pdf
Slightly modifed version of this script can be found here, along with scripts generating worksheets on differentiation, integration and limits. Example worksheet generated with the script can be found here. If you write a simillar script on some other math topic, for exmaple function graphing or trig equations, feel free to issue a pull request :). I will also gladly accept links to simillar repositories and include them in zadanko’s README.