website update 2

  1. the site’s layout was completely overhauled, see for yourself
  2. there’s fancy, new, CSS only ‘slider’ on the bookmarks page
  3. added a table of contents to the rolling blog page
  4. added a light and a dark theme throught CSS, how to enable dark mode in Chromium
  5. fixed RSS’ date attribute on posts
  6. broke RSS - old posts may appear as new
  7. website’s RSS will be moved to here
  8. the ‘link’ buttons on the blog page now takes you to the article’s title
  9. the posts are now written in markdown and then converted with pandoc to HTML so you can read them in plain markdown under /files/markdown/posts/POST-NAME, here’s this post If you really want, you can even read them in PDF, assuming pandoc and zathura are installed:
    pandoc -o - --to pdf --from markdown | zathura -
  1. reworded the dark mode article
  2. there’s a donation page now

Criticism or ideas are welcome.